The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life
The Yard Life

Candy Bouquets

  • Candy Bouquet


    These candy bouquet baskets are so cute and stuffed with candy, toys, and items and flair appropriate to the holiday, event, or celebration you choose! They can be left on the porch as part of a yard card setup, or delivered on their own for a separate fee. These are a purchased item and not a rental.

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These Candy Bouquets can be customized for any holiday, event, or celebration you choose! These are purchased items and not a rental.
Pickup or Delivery (additional fee) options are available.